Tuesday 10 October 2017

Mad Doctor (Commodore 64)

Mad Doctor (C64) :

You can almost be certain that if you have a scientist with an odd name who lives in castle on top of a hill overlooking a quaint old village, come the first thundery shower and he'll be creeping about the graveyards acting rather suspiciously around town and carrying large bundles of something about the place...

So it is with Dr. Franz Johann Blockenspiel, who has devoted his time and energy to gaining worldwide fame as the creator of life! Of course, in order to achieve this goal, he has to first dabble a little with death.....

Taking control of Franz, you wander around the village of Strudelberg, looking for parts for which to create a body you can use in your twisted experiments. You can either go to the graveyard and search the coffins for a suitable corpse or go into town and cut down a recently hung criminal! Of course, doing such things won't go unnoticed by the villagers, who if you rile up enough will start rioting and hunt down and kill you!

So how do you get a body by other means if the village is too busy??? Well, along the paths outside the village, you sometimes encounter a lone traveller...and who's to say what happens to lone travellers who disappear on dark, stormy nights.....Mu-hu-hu-ha-haaaa!

I can't believe it's taken me so long to find this game! For someone who loves horror games as much as me, it's a real hoot to roam around a village breaking into hospitals to steal equipment, cut down corpses and loot graveyards, pop up in the tavern through a secret passage that leads from my castle.....all the while avoiding an angry mob and the police who are all out to stop my crazy experiments!

The game feels years ahead of it's time, giving you a huge list of options and things to do...you can read books on the creation of life left by your uncle, you have to eat & drink to stay alive, you can lock people in a cell for use later if the body you build doesn't work out....the game is filled with choice! If you succeed in building a monster from good parts, getting it alive by electrifying a kite and are able to subdue it with tranquilisers..you can even show it in the village hall and gain the fame and notoriety you seek!

The controls can be a little tricky at first, and there's not much in the way of sound....but everything else about this game is great, and I highly recommend it! The fact it allows you to murder innocent victims might seem a little controversial, but like modern day games like GTA, if slaughtering masses of random folk isn't your cup of tea then there are other options available! I mean, after all...I would never do such things, would I...*cough*...Your Honour?

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